Bilateral Meetings
- (10:00 am - 4:00 pm)
Infote_Billing is a fully integrated module for the management of municipal enterprise. It consists of a fixed part which outside of the places of consumption is also equipped with such modules as the economy of water meters, a full record of readings, the possibility of connection to radio systems. Infote_Bilingi (Wodnik)is a fully integrated billing system for water supply and municipal enterprises. It is an extension of the functionality of the system enova365 for settlement of water, wastewater and solid waste in accordance with applicable law.
Integration with the financial accounting enova365 Infote_Billingi is fully internally integrated with enova365. All the information is at hand. For example, the counter provides information on documents issued by a contractor assigned counters. The integration makes it easy to use modules records receivables, recovery, generation of VAT returns, sales analysis and accounting or fixed assets. The system also includes a modern program of the payroll.