
Eduardo Vivo

Investor Services Manager
ICEX/Invest in Spain

Bilateral Meetings

  • (10:00 am - 4:00 pm)
DescriptionSpanish government Agency for the promotion of Foreign Direct Investment
Organization Type Organization,
CityMadrid, Pº Castellana 278 Google map
Areas of Activities

Systems and equipment for water conditioning

    Technologies of water conditioning and sewage treatment

      Sewage treatment plants

        Measuring equipment for water conditioning plants, sewage treatment plants, the technique of measure

          Water and sewage meters

            Machines and appliances for building, repairing and maintenance of water supply and sewage network

              Hydraulic units, pumps and plumbing fittings

                Regeneration of water supply and sewage network and deep wells

                  Modern technologies of renovation of water supply and sewage systems

                    Pipes, fittings and wells for building water supply and sewage systems

                      Specialist vehicles

                        Security and rescue equipment

                          Software for water supply and sewage systems companies, for management of economy

                            Design, technology and equipment for swimming pools